In the last decade, revenue from digital subscription services like Netflix and Spotify has skyrocketed. However, governments are struggling to collect taxes from digital subscription services even though they are thriving within their borders.

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BY 2031
$ 0 T
CAGR 2018 - 2021
0 %
This meteoric rise stems from the sharp increase in disposable income, the allure of exclusive content, and the broad acceptance of online payment methods.

Are you capitalizing on all potential revenue streams in this expansive market?


In the last decade, revenue from digital subscription services like Netflix and Spotify has skyrocketed. However, governments are struggling to collect taxes from digital subscription services even though they are thriving within their borders. Moreover, because states cannot assess the volume and value of transactions, they cannot create new or enforce current laws, nor can they access the revenue owed to them.


Through the integration of diverse data sources using our ETL-C approach, N-Soft’s BiT-IT solution provides an exact, real-time evaluation of the revenue generated within a country by digital subscription services, such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Spotify, and Apple Music. This unobstructed insight enables the collection of accurate tax amounts from this rapidly growing industry, ensuring that governments can seize the revenues rightfully due to them.


N-Soft partners with governments to empower them with the tools for meticulous oversight over and revenue mobilization from digital subscription services by:
These comprehensive reports, customized by period (daily, weekly, or monthly) and by each service provider, contribute to a transparent environment for the management of digital service taxation. Plus, they generate rapid returns for revenue authorities


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